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/* Serpent's Hand Theme [2014 Wikidot Theme] Created for the SCP Foundation by Aelanna Edited for SCP Foundation by Dr Devan Edited for Wanderers' Library by ZeroStrider Returned to the SCP Foundation by salamander724 Edited for the SCP Foundation by stormbreath */ :root { /* 4 Rating-module */ --ct_col_rate-primary: #006c00; --ct_col_rate-secondary: #f0ffec; --ct_col_rate-cancel: var(--ct_col_rate-secondary); } h1, #page-title { color: #044d00; } #page-title { border-color: #bbb; } /* LINK RECOLORS */ a, #side-bar a, #side-bar a:visited, #breadcrumbs a:visited { color: #059400; } a.newpage { color: #00a862; } #main-content#a:visited { color: #059400; } /* HEADER IMAGES */ div#container-wrap { background-image: url(; } #header { background-image: url(; } /* SEARCH BAR RECOLOR */ #search-top-box-input { background-color: #1a3300; } #search-top-box-input:hover, #search-top-box-input:focus { background-color: #3e6633; } #search-top-box-form input[type=submit] { background-color: #396633; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #739966, #396633, #0b3300); } #search-top-box-form input[type=submit]:hover, #search-top-box-form input[type=submit]:focus { background-color: #739966; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #0b3300, #739966, #396633); } /* LOGIN STATUS */ #login-status ul a { color: #059400; } /* HEADER TEXT */ #header h1 a { color: transparent; text-shadow: none; } #header h1 a::before { content: "Bibliothèque des Vagabonds"; color: #eee; } #header h2 span { color: transparent; text-shadow: none; } #header h2 span::before { content: "Le Jardin est le Domaine du Serpent."; color: #f0f0c0; } /* SIDE BAR */ #side-bar { padding: 10px; border: 2px dotted black; background-color: white !important; box-shadow: 0 2px 6px rgba(0,30,0,.5); border-radius: 10px; margin-bottom: 15px; } #side-bar .side-block{ border: none; box-shadow: none; background-color: white !important; margin-bottom: 0px; padding: 3px; } #side-bar .heading { color: #1a3300; border-bottom: solid 1px #1a3300; width: 80%; margin: auto; margin-top: 1em; } #side-bar .collapsible-block-folded { background-image: url(; } #side-bar .collapsible-block-unfolded-link { border-bottom: solid 1px #1a3300; } #side-bar .collapsible-block-unfolded-link .collapsible-block-link { color: #116600; } #side-bar .collapsible-block-unfolded-link .collapsible-block-link:hover { color: #059400; } .side-block .menu-item > .image { filter: hue-rotate(140deg) brightness(150%); -webkit-filter: hue-rotate(140deg) brightness(150%); } /* TOP-BAR */ #top-bar ul li.sfhover a, #top-bar ul li:hover a { color: #059400; } #top-bar ul li ul a, #top-bar a:hover { color: #059400; } /* INFO MODULE COMPATIBILITY */ .close-credits, .credit-back { filter: hue-rotate(140deg); } /* AYER'S INFO MODULE */ :root { --barColour: #006c00; } /* Standard Image Block */ .scp-image-block { border: solid 1px #666; box-shadow: 0 1px 6px rgba(0,0,0,.25); } .scp-image-block .scp-image-caption { background-color: #eee; border-top: solid 1px #666; } /* YUI-TABS */ .yui-navset .yui-nav a, .yui-navset .yui-navset-top .yui-nav a { background-image: url(; } .yui-navset .yui-nav .selected a, .yui-navset .yui-nav .selected a:focus, /* no focus effect for selected */ .yui-navset .yui-nav .selected a:hover { /* no hover effect for selected */ background:#077000 url( repeat-x left -1400px; /* selected tab background */ } .yui-navset .yui-nav a:hover, .yui-navset .yui-nav a:focus { background:#8d8 url( repeat-x left -1300px; } /* MOBILE SIDEBAR */ @media (max-width: 767px) { #side-bar { background-color: white; } #side-bar:target { border: 2px dotted black; } #side-bar:target .close-menu { background: none; } } /* footnote by 7happy7 */ span:not([class]):not([style]) > sup.footnoteref:first-child > a.footnoteref:before, sup.footnoteref > a.footnoteref:before { content: "("; } span:not([class]):not([style]) > sup.footnoteref > a.footnoteref:before { content: ","; } /* TRANSLATION BLOCK */ iframe.scpnet-interwiki-frame { filter: hue-rotate(140deg) brightness(150%); -webkit-filter: hue-rotate(140deg) brightness(150%); }